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Our Values and Code

Human Rights and "the code" 

At Break, we are deeply committed to Human Rights and dignity, upholding "the code" as our guiding principle. We welcome everyone, irrespective of creed, race, disability, sexuality or age

Ethics are more important than business

Full stop. We think “business is business” is a morally bankrupt copout. We want to work with people we respect, but it’s more important we respect them as human beings. Equitable value exchanges are at the heart of all good business and we strive to make every deal we do more than just transactional.

Vacations are art, and an incredibly flexible medium to explore

We’re always looking for new ways to think about the medium of vacations and how we can use the tools we have to do new and interesting things.  

There is a home for everyone

Nothing is for everyone, but there is something for everyone out there. And if we pay attention and listen, we can figure out what that is.

We do this because we love it and can’t imagine doing anything else, and we’re proud of what we have chosen to spend our lives on 

Bringing joy, creating memorable experiences, and building human connections are the most meaningful and fulfilling activities we can spend our lives doing.

Lift others up in all that you do

When we interact with someone, the question isn’t what can I get out of this, but rather how can we work together and be better for it? This extends from everything to being nice to the delivery driver to engaging in community service to egalitarian driven value exchanges. If we can help, it’s our obligation to do so.

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